Here’s FACT # 4
FASD causes underlying changes in brain structure and function resulting in primary and secondary behavioral changes.
Following are a few of the behaviors FASD causes:
- A person with FASD often acts first and is then able to see the problem after the fact.
- A person with FASD often has memory impairment.
- A person with FASD often has difficulty learning from past experiences - repeats the same mistake over and over again in spite of increased punishment.
- A person with FASD often has difficulty with abstract concepts.
- A person with FASD often has difficulty understanding safety vs. danger, friend vs. stranger, or distinguishing fantasy from reality.
- A person with FASD often has difficulty forming links and associations, often unable to apply a learned rule in a new setting.
- A person with FASD often repeats rules verbatim, then fails to apply the rules.
- A person with FASD is often prone to confabulation and lying. Lying is to deliver a false statement to another person which the speaking person knows is not the whole truth, intentionally. In psychology, confabulation is the spontaneous narrative report of events that never happened.
- A person with FASD may talk excessively, yet is unable to engage in a meaningful exchange.
- A person with FASD often has the inability to do more than one task at a time.
Did you just read that entire list? If so, thanks for tracking with me.
Now read it again. Slowly.
Imagine that all of those primary behaviors were going on in your brain. All at once.
Imagine how frustrated and confused and overwhelmed you would feel. All the time.
Imagine there being no medication to slow down any of these affects. None.
Imagine these behaviors lasting your entire life.
Welcome to the devastation caused by FASD. Welcome to the world of my child and thousands like him. Now do you begin to understand why I am so passionate about educating everyone about the dangers of drinking any alcohol while pregnant?
Help spread the word and prevent another child from ever living with this disability! Please take the time to pass this blog post on to at least 1 of your friends, link it back to your blog, share it on Facebook, or tweet it on Twitter.
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