Friday, September 2, 2011

FASD: An Invisible Disability

The intent of my blog is to educate people about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and to encourage families who are living with FASD.  The hardest part of FASD is that it is a relatively unknown disability. 

Most people I encounter,  teachers, principals, doctors, neighbors and friends, have never even heard of Fetal Alcohol.  And those who have heard of it think FA is something that a baby might be born with that disappears quickly after birth, or can be cured with medication.

The startling reality is this: There is NO cure. It is lifelong.

I am reposting part of a speech that Jodee Kulp gave one year on FASD Awareness Day. She is an amazing mom who is raising a daughter with FASD, and she has been a strong advocate in the US for educating others about FASD.  Please take a look at her website or read the book, Braided Cord, written by her daughter Liz to learn more.

... Alcohol is devastating, and most devastating to the weakest and most vulnerable in our society -- the unborn child. Alcohol exposure is the leading known cause of mental retardation in the western world - US, Canada, Europe and Australia.

In the United States 10,657 babies are born daily (1999 US numbers are listed below)
  • . . . 3 will have Muscular Dystrophy
  • . . . 4 will have Cystic Fibrosis
  • . . . 4 will have Spina Bifida
  • . . . 4 will be infected with HIV
  • . . . 10 of these babies will have Downs Syndrome.
Researcher and fund-raisers are working for these children.

But -- are you ready for the figures --
  • . . . 20 babies will be born with FAS
  • . . . these children will have visible facial and other physical deformities
  • . . . they are the lucky ones
People will see with the eyes, understand and help will be provided. These physical manifestations are not caused by MORE drinking but simply because of the day in gestation the pregnant mother chose to drink.

Today is a day of awareness.
NOW -- are you really ready for the tough issue
  • . . . 100 babies will be born with Fetal Alcohol Effects
  • . . . these children's deformities will be hidden within their bodies, in their brains and organs.
  • Most will go undiagnosed.
  • Most will live a life with little help with behaviors misjudged and struggling with learning and emotional issues.

Today is a day of knowledge.
Brain damage is non-reversible and a permanent condition that an individual must live with for the rest of their life. The person with prenatal alcohol exposure does not have the choice of NOT being impaired, yet has the responsibility of learning to live and to fit into a society that neither tolerates nor understands their impulsive behaviors.

I hope this has been a sobering post for you to read.

Most of all I hope you will doing something.  Please tell everyone you know:  there is NO safe amount of alcohol consumed during pregnancy.

0 drinks for 9 months.

It's that easy to prevent another child from ever having to live with this lifelong disability.

I would love to hear from you if you have any questions or thoughts about FASD. Please email me or leave a comment.

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